
Welcome to the Stay Fit Coffee blog – A site dedicated to health & wellbeing which is supported by a variety of proven and successful beverages and professional light exercise plans.

One of the fastest growing home business opportunities in the UK is waking thousands of people up to a new, exciting way to loose weight, become healthier and generate a healthy extra weekly income.

“I started with Stay Fit Coffee three weeks ago as I love coffee and want to lose weight. They put me on a basic exercise plan and Gary showed me the benefits of water, sleep and I feel great. 5lbs down and I am working out three times a week. Love it…”

Sarah 37yrs

Starting my journey

I can’t remember the last time I didn’t jump from one cold to another. When Gary showed me some of the Valentus beverages and a few things that could help me, I thought why not. My energy levels instantly increased and my husband has noticed a general lift in my spirits. The next step is to address some of my weight issues and Gary is currently working with me on an exercise plan. Thank you so much.

Karen 58 yrs

I always have a cold